
Last updated: May 21, 2024

Trading financial instruments and/or cryptocurrencies involves a high level of risk, including theii risk of losing some or all of your investment, and may not be suitable for all investors. Cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can be affected by external factors such as financial, regulatory, or political events. Trading on margin increases financial risks.

Before deciding to trade financial instruments or cryptocurrencies, the reader should be fully informed of the risks and costs associated with trading on financial markets, carefully consider the investment object, experience level, risk appetite, and seek professional advice if necessary.

The reader should not consider any of our publications as providing legal advice or personal investment advice. Investments proposed in any publication should only be made after discussion with thereader's investment advisor (if any) and only after full consideration of the documents of the organizations of interest to the reader.

Most of the information we release is from primary sources that we have obtained, including financial institutions, public companies, or from websites that we trust. We believe that our data sources are accurate or highly reliable, but we do not take responsibility for ensuring their accuracy. Therefore, we cannot assure the reader that the information is accurate or complete. We also do not guarantee the success of any investment decision that the reader makes using our data, information, or advice. As the recipient of the information, the reader is responsible for making his own assessment and selection before making any investment decision.